Ali R. Amir-Moez

Limit of a Function and a Card Trick

Mathematics Magazine, N. 4, Vol. 38, september 1965, pp. 191-196.

Persi Diaconis, R.L. Graham e William M. Kantor

The Mathematics of Perfect Shuffle

Advances in Applied Mathematics, N. 4, Academic Press, 1983, pp. 175-196.

Martin Gardner

A Quarter-Century of Recreational Mathematics

Scientific American, august 1998, pp. 68-75.

Bruno Belhoste e Denise Hazebrouck

Récréations et mathématiques mondaines au XVIIIe siècle: le cas de Guyot

Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, november 2014, pp. 490-505.

Karine Chemla

Explorations in the history of mathematical recreations: An introduction

Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, november 2014, pp. 367-376.

Anne-Marie Décaillot

Les Récréations Mathématiques d'Édouard Lucas: quelques éclairages

Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, november 2014, pp. 506-517.

Albrecht Heeffer

How algebra spoiled recreational problems: A case study in the cross-cultural dissemination of mathematics

Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, november 2014, pp. 400-437.

Maarten Van Dyck e Koen Vermeir

Varieties of wonder. John Wilkins' mathematical magic and the perpetuity of invention

Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, november 2014, pp. 463-489.

Eric Vandendriessche

W.W. Rouse Ball and the mathematics of string figures

Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, november 2014, pp. 438-462.

Mitsuko Wate-Mizuno

Mathematical recreations of Dénes König and his work on graph theory

Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, november 2014, pp. 377-399.

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