William James
Phantasms of the Living (review)
Science, N. 205, Vol. 9, 7 gennaio 1887, pp. 18-20.
Joseph Jastrow
The psychology of spiritualism
The Popular Science Monthly, N. 46, Vol. XXXIV, London aprile 1889, pp. 721-732.
Margery genuine says Conan Doyle; he scores Houdini
Boston Herald, 26 gennaio 1925.
G.B. Seybold
They Can See with Their Skin
Popular Science Monthly, dicembre 1925, p. 21.
Gwendolyn Kelley Hack
The Direct Voice in Italy (1 of 2)
Psychic Science, N. 4, Vol. 7, gennaio 1929, pp. 272-330.
The Direct Voice in Italy (2 of 2)
Psychic Science, N. 1, Vol. 8, aprile 1929, pp. 9-26.
Theodore Besterman
Review of Modern Psychic Mysteries book
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, N. 461, Vol. 26, London gennaio 1930, pp. 10-14.
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