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5-14 de los 14 documentos publicado en 2011

Eusapia Palladino: An Autobiographical Essay

Journal of Scientific Exploration, N. 1, Vol. 25, Virginia Beach 2011, pp. 77-101.

The Spectacle of Science: The Art of Illusion in Prints of the French Revolution

Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, N. 1, Vol. 3, Warwick 2011, pp. 42-51.

Movable stationery

Vol. 19, N. 1, Movable Book Society, New Brunswick febrero 2011.
Andreas HERGOVICH, Kristian GRUBL e Claus-Christian CARBON

The paddle move commonly used in magic tricks as a means for analysing the perceptual limits of combined motion trajectories

Perception, N. 3, Vol. 40, marzo 2011, pp. 358-266.

Following Gustav Kuhn's inspiring technique of using magicians' acts as a source of insight into cognitive sciences, the authors used the "paddle move" for testing the psychophysics of combined movement trajectories. The paddle move is a standard technique in magic consisting of a combined rotating and tilting movement. Careful control of the mutual speed parameters of the two movements makes it possible to inhibit the perception of the rotation, letting the "magic" effect emerge-a sudden change of the tilted object. By using 3-D animated computer graphics we analysed the interaction of different angular speeds and the object shape/size parameters in evoking this motion disappearance effect. An angular speed of 540° per second sufficed to inhibit the perception of the rotary movement with the smallest object showing the strongest effect. 90.7% of the 172 participants were not able to perceive the rotary movement at an angular speed of 1125 ° per second. Further analysis by multiple linear regression revealed major influences on the effectiveness of the magic trick of object height and object area, demonstrating the applicability of analysing key factors of magic tricks to reveal limits of the perceptual system.

Movable stationery

Vol. 19, N. 2, Movable Book Society, New Brunswick mayo 2011.
Massimo BIONDI

The Missing Links

N. 5, GSE Edizioni, Rozzano junio 2011.

Movable stationery

Vol. 19, N. 3, Movable Book Society, New Brunswick agosto 2011.

Magica notte a Milano

D Donna, Gruppo Espresso, Roma 8 octubre 2011, pp. 207-209.

Clypeus #120

N. 120, Torino noviembre 2011.

Movable stationery

Vol. 19, N. 4, Movable Book Society, New Brunswick noviembre 2011.
5-14 de los 14 documentos publicado en 2011