Thomas Hailes Lacy e William J. Sorrell
The amateur's hand-book and guide to home or drawing room theatricals; how to get them up and how to act in them
Thomas Hailes Lacy, London 1871.
2 Copie disponibili
A p. 22 di questo libro vengono descritti i principali trucchi teatrali usati in scena per produrre scenari complessi, effetti di lampi e tuoni, ecc.
Libri correlati
1871 (9)
1868-1874 (87)
Riferimento bibliografico
Copia negli appunti
Thomas Hailes Lacy e William J. Sorrell, The amateur's hand-book and guide to home or drawing room theatricals; how to get them up and how to act in them, Thomas Hailes Lacy, London 1871.
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