William Hooper
Rational recreations
Vol. 1, L. Davis, London 1774.
Vol. 2, L. Davis, London 1774.
Vol. 3, L. Davis, London 1774.
Vol. 4, L. Davis, London 1774.
Edme-Gilles Guyot
Nouvelles récréations physiques et mathématiques
Vol. 1, Gueffier, Paris 1786 (I ed. 1769).
Vol. 2, Gueffier, Paris 1786 (I ed. 1769).
Vol. 3, Gueffier, Paris 1786 (I ed. 1769).
John Badcock
Endless amusement: a collection of nearly of 400 entertaining experiments
Thomas Boys and Thorp & Burch, London 1820 (I ed. 1818).
John Ayrton Paris
Philosophy in sport made science in earnest
John Murray, London 1839 (I ed. 1827).
David Brewster
Letters on Natural Magic
Harper & brothers, New York 1842 (I ed. 1832).
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