Karl Gottlieb Windisch
Briefe über den schachspieler des herrn von Kempelen
A. Löwe, Pressburg 1783.
Lettres sur le joueur d'echecs de M. de Kempelen
Basel 1783.
Inanimate Reason or a Circumstantial Account of that Astonishing Piece of Mechanism M. de Kempelen's Chess-player
S. Bladon, London 1784.
Philip Ticknesse
The Speaking Figure and the Automaton Chess-player, Exposed and Detected
John Stockdale, London 1784.
Philip Astley
Natural Magic or Physical Amusements Revealed
Author, London 1785.
Henri Decremps
Cinque sessioni nelle quali si accennano macchine maravigliose e giuochi assai più sorprendenti di quelli
Fratelli Conzatti a San Lorenzo, Padova 1788.
J. Hatchard
Observations on the Automaton Chess Player
Gamaliel Bradford
The History and Analysis of the Supposed Automation Chess Player of M. de Kempelen
David Brewster e Armand Denis Vergnaud
Nouveau manuel de magie naturelle et amusante
Roret, Paris 1839.
George Walker
Il segreto del famoso automa che giuocava a scacchi
G. Benelli, Firenze 1841 (I ed. 1839).
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