Nicolas Hunt
Newe Recreation, or the Mindes release and solacing in a rare and exquisite invention for the exercising of acute Wits and industrious dispositions. Ivdiciary exercises
Aug. Math. for L. Faune, London 1631.
Henry Van Etten e Jean Leurechon
Mathematicall recreations or a collection of sundrie problemes extracted out of the ancient and moderne philosophers
T. Cotes, London 1633 (I ed. 1627).
Henry Van Etten, Jean Leurechon e William Oughtred
William Leake, London 1653 (I ed. 1633).
William and John Leake, London 1674 (I ed. 1627).
Jacques Ozanam
Recreations mathematical and physical
R. Bonwick, London 1708.
Richard Neve
The merry companion: or, Delights for the ingenious
H. Tracy, London 1721 (I ed. 1716).
Thomas Dilworth
The Schoolmasters Assistant
1762 (I ed. 1743).
William Hooper
Rational recreations
Vol. 1, L. Davis, London 1774.
Vol. 2, L. Davis, London 1774.
Vol. 3, L. Davis, London 1774.
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